Thursday, 8 December 2011

Student Lounge Opening Hours Extended

Student Lounge Opening Hours Extended

Dear Students of IMU,

We are glad to inform you that the TRIAL PERIOD this past month for the extended student lounge opening hours has been successful. The Student Lounge will continue to open until 2am only Thursday’s, Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

The criteria during the trial period is still applicable now. The criteria must be adhered to and there should not be any problems for this arrangement to remain.

The criteria are as listed below:

1) The Student Lounge will only be open until 2am on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

2) There must not be any damage to the equipment in the Student Lounge.

3) Only IMU STUDENTS are allowed to enter the Student Lounge especially on weekends.

4) Students should walk safely while walking back to Vista or their cars after 12.00 am onwards until 2 am and should not be harmed in any way while walking back during the trial period.

We would like to stress on the importance of student safety once you guys leave the Student Lounge from 12am onwards, since it’s the main concern of the SRC and the SSD while agreeing to make this change. Please try to travel in packs or groups when leaving and STAY SAFE.


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